Ultima Online Forever

RunUO shard running on UOR Era with 675 players currently online.

Ultima Online Forever(UO:R) is made of balance and nostalgia. Hosted on a high speed dedicated server backed by active and committed staff. Constantly updated, weekly events, balanced economy, minimal grinding, faction pvp, many custom mobs and dungeons. Join us today and start your adventure! Number one populated server running two years in a row!

Language: English
Site: http://www.uoforever.com
Host: login.uoforever.com · Port: 2599
Join Date: January 3, 2015

Votes Online Peak Hits Uptime
0 OFF 3011 13449 75.06%

2 Comments about Ultima Online Forever

  1. samrye

    - 17:11 June 20, 2016

    UO Forever cheats their player count. UOF has averaged 618 according to UO Gateway. They let people use 3 accounts per person. Divided up that is 206 players. In their leaked source code, they had a +100 faked player count, obviously that can't be confirmed real or not, but those are the statistics but if you factor that in, there are 106 average actual players. Shane cheats! Just look at the max players of over 3000, what a joke!

  2. tpopcaz

    - 16:34 June 20, 2016

    If you like any of the following uoforever is for you: Staff that create items for there own guild members If you don't donate you have no say so Ebolt closest target pvp An Owner that bans anyone for disagreeing with him Auto Healers Speed Hacks Staff that don't ban any cheaters because they donate

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