Neverlands Phoenix

POL shard running on ML Era with 0 players currently online.

Neverlands Phoenix is a POL095 shard that has been running since 2011, its a continuation from Neverlands which started in 2000. We have monthly updates, daily events balanced pvp pvm merchant systems, 7 thunt levels. Great dedicated staff and players around. Most players help new comers and once your ready, pvp happens almost all the time. We have great uptime and page responses. Our facebook is: whether your new or an old player returning theres always room for you.

Language: English primary, ALL
Host: · Port: 5003
Join Date: March 10, 2015

Votes Online Peak Hits Uptime
0 0 0 6317 97.57%

9 Comments about Neverlands Phoenix

  1. Hardox

    - 22:08 March 15, 2015

    Join us u wont regret it

  2. bjorn

    - 16:41 March 12, 2015

    Best shard i ever played on ! , great events !

  3. FireDog

    - 06:04 March 12, 2015

    Amazing UO server! Join us

  4. ALI

    - 15:26 March 11, 2015

    You must enjoy it.

  5. Valoran

    - 14:06 March 11, 2015

    You gotta try it out it is amazing i would say! I grew up here learned to speak english and the community is great come and join as the amazing adventure! <3

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