Allure of the Unknown

RunUO shard running on Custom Era with 2 players currently online.

Family Friendly Custom Shard since 2005! Home to the Creator of UltimaLive Streaming Maps! Come check out our custom worlds/items, Abay stores/auctions, Survival Dungeon, Magi, and the Mighty Pharos! Progressive Class Based Armors allows players to RP & Run class based Char to enhance UO Exp. No skill cap, RP/PVP only areas, 300-340 Stat Cap. Active staff and dev team. What are you waiting for? Come check us out!!

Host: · Port: 5900
Join Date: April 9, 2014

Votes Online Peak Hits Uptime
0 OFF 30 5557 83.39%

2 Comments about Allure of the Unknown

  1. Lord-Xanthor

    - 18:40 April 19, 2023

    Allure of the unknown was once a fantastic private server, with over 200+ users online at any given time. The reason it's failed was because the original owner sold the server to an unknown buyer, who shortly after, started grabbing known donates like myself and my wife and demanded money. If we refused as donations are supposed to be voluntary, not involuntary, the new owner would ban you, from both the game server and website, to prevent you warning the others. Being a server administrator, they found it quite difficult to stop my warnings regardless, something the owner did not know at the time. The reason the server went to pot, the new owner knew nothing of coding and the most important scripter who made Allure of the Unknown what is was, Solaris, was also banned after they to refused to pay money to the new owner, who found out to late, they banned the one person who kept that shard going. That's why you now see all of his scripts on runup and serve up. Since the new owner had no coding skill what so ever, every time a plugin threw an error, they removed it, which caused other plugins to fail that relied on Solaris works. Auctions, lottery, banking system that they said they turned off for other reasons, was a lie. It was turned off because they removed the plugins since they had no clue how to fix anything. My opinion is they are just starting over so they can use public domain plugins that don't require any coding knowledge. Solaris, if your reading this, you were one of the best scripters I ever known, and are very much missed!

  2. Traveler

    - 22:05 November 15, 2015

    Allure of the Unknown has closed. We are moving to the uo evolution shard to start again. we are inviting all the remaining players to join our new guild called "The Unknown" You can PM me in game - Traveler

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